TOMATIS AZERBAIJAN Rehabilitation and Development Center


One of the activities of the Tomatis Azerbaijan Center is the education of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Every child diagnosed with autism needs unique learning. Because of their behavioral problems and tendencies to be distracted, children with autism require a dedicated environment and additional materials, as well as qualified and experienced educators.
Taking this into account, the Tomatis Center Azerbaijan has developed and successfully implemented pedagogical programs aimed at teaching children the concepts of number, counting, defining time categories, deepening orientation in the form of objects, in space, etc.
The formation of the educational process of children with ASD depends on the success of his emotional development, as well as the development of his ability to contact and mastering the skills of social interaction.
In the process of teaching children diagnosed with ausism, the teacher carries out:

  • diagnostics of the developmental features of the child;
  • conducting individual and group lessons;
  • organization of work to correct undesirable forms of behavior in students with ASD;
  • drawing up, adaptation and adjustment of educational and correctional programs and curricula;
  • drawing up lesson plans;
    adaptation of teaching materials, taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • adaptation of curricula of general education classes for students with ASD;
  • drawing up recommendations for creating special conditions at school for students with ASD;
  • counseling for parents;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the educational process for students with ASD
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